Students of Mangalore selected in National Talent Search Examination-NTSE (State Level) 2010-11
5 students trained at Manipal Career Excellence, Kuntikan are among the only 11 students of Mangalore city and Mangalore Taluk who have been selected in the National Talent Search Examination in the first stage (State level). This exam was conducted by The Department of State Education Research and Training (DSERT) on 21st November 2010. DSERT has selected 242 students from Karnataka in this first stage and these students are eligible to write the II stage of the exam at National Level which will be conducted on 8th May 2011 by NCERT.
Details of the selected students from Manipal Career Excellence are as follows:
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) awards 1000 scholarship to the talented students of Class VIII each year, through its National Talent Search Scheme and then nurture the talent by way of providing financial assistance in the form of scholarship. The awardees receive a scholarship of Rs. 6,000/- per annum starting from Std. IX. The awardees continue to receive the scholarship up to Ph.D. level for pursuing their education. In 2009-10, after the final round only two students of Mangalore (Chaitra U and Rakesh B K) were selected as NATIOANL TALENT SCHLOARS and they have been receiving the scholarship. Both these students were trained at Manipal Career Excellence, Kuntikan, Mangalore.
There are 2 stages of NTSE.
Students studying in class VIII will be eligible to appear at the State level Test from the State in which the institution is located. This exam is held in the month of November every year. A total of 4000 students are selected in the country, among them around 250 are from Karnataka. The State government pays a scholarship amount of Rs. 2000/- per year for 2 years for the students selected only in the first stage.
4000 students selected in the first stage are eligible to write this exam conducted by NCERT in May. Among these 2000 students will be called for an interview on the basis of their merit. After the interview 1000 finalists will be selected and they are called National Talent Scholar and will receive a scholarship of Rs. 500/- per month until Ph.D.
For more details contact: Manipal Career Excellence, Kuntikan 2249220/9845737120
Presence at the Press Meet:
Mrs. Severine Rosario, Principal, Manipal Career Excellence, Kuntikan, Mangalore